War Dogs

A fun little war romp, War Dogs is an entertaining look at two-twentysomething’s living in Miami during the Iraq War and exploiting a little-known government loophole to make themselves into major international arms traders. Miles Teller and Jonah Hill carry the film with their portrayals based on real world events. There is no opus here. It’s an entertaining little movie that doesn’t pretend to be more than it is and offers no scathing reflection on war or those who profiteer off of it. Almost more interesting are the critics who were aghast that a film would make light of such “vile” and “despicable” human beings. Seriously? These kids weren’t arming terrorists or drug traffickers. They were arming the US government. Where do you think our military gets its supplies from? Disney? Do you NOT want US troops to have weapons and equipment? If War Dogs skewers anything about the war and those involved, it turns it around on a breathy US constituency that preaches anti-war rhetoric at dinner parties but then is too lackadaisical to vote. For its script, production, and technical merits, the film is far from perfect but if it makes you morally uncomfortable to watch it, take a look in the mirror, darlin’, you’re the one feeding that military industrial complex.